You Can Help By
Donating To Our Facility

Donate Form

How Your Donation Makes A Difference

Supports educational programs, providing children with books, uniforms, and tuition to help them succeed academically.
Funds health and well-being initiatives, ensuring children receive vital medical care, vaccinations, and nutritious meals.
Empowers community projects, fostering sustainable development and protecting children's rights for a safer, brighter future.

How Can You Donate To
Children In Need?

Children living in poverty face many challenges, from dangerous drinking water to
harsh living conditions. You can provide immediate support by making a
tax-deductible donation to one of the critical needs below.

Provide Access To Education

Fund school supplies and tuition, giving every child the chance to learn and grow in a safe environment.

Health And Well-Being

Support children's health with medical services, vaccinations, and nutritious meals for their overall well-being.

Empower Communities

Support local development projects to improve education, resources, and economic stability for families.

Foster Sustainable Development

Invest in long-term solutions for environmental sustainability and economic growth in communities.

Provide Safe Shelter

Help build and maintain shelters, giving children a safe place to call home.

Disaster Relief And Emergency Aid

Provide immediate aid to children and families affected by natural disasters with food, water, and medical supplies.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can sponsor a child in a variety of ways. Here are the most impactful methods of giving:

Monthly sponsorship: Sponsor a child for $43 a month. Your donation goes directly towards your sponsored child's education, healthcare, and much more.

Gift Giving: Send a donation for a specific cause, such as the unsponsored children's fund or disaster relief.

Non-cash donations: Send small gifts, pictures, postcards, and stickers. There are many other ways to give to a child in poverty. Learn more here.

Sponsoring a child costs just $43 per month. Your sponsorship helps children get access to survival essentials such as healthcare, education, food and more. Sponsorship is an effective means to reduce poverty in children.

For only $43 per month, you can sponsor a child with Compassion International. When you sponsor a child with Compassion, you can choose a child from a location of your choice. We do all of our work through partnerships with thousands of local churches in the Philippines.

Absolutely! We encourage you to write to your sponsored child and exchange letters to help form a healthy relationship and personal connection. Letter writing is the single most effective way to encourage and connect with your sponsored child.

Yes, you can sponsor as many children as you want! For every sponsorship, you're helping a child break through the cycle and root causes of poverty.

Compassion International believes in transparency and enables you to track your monetary contributions. You can track how your money is used through our financial transparency reports. You will also receive regular updates and pictures of your child and their family.

Sponsoring a child means helping provide the living essentials children need to escape poverty. As a sponsor, you provide financial and emotional support to your child, encouraging healthy and holistic development. Learn more about how child sponsorship helps.

Yes! You can help an impoverished child by donating something from our gift catalog.