We’ve almost reached 500 ultrasounds given in our Hearts for Life Campaign! Thank you to all who have given thus far.

You still have plenty of time to give to help moms like Kris. $28 provides one ultrasound for a mom.

Kris had the green light to have an abortion.
She was 80% convinced it was the right thing to do.

Her boyfriend was doubly convinced and
ready to pay every penny to end their baby’s life.

A pitter-pat of a heart and a beautiful baby
on ultrasound stopped Kris in her tracks.

In the stillness of a moment, in the miracle of a heartbeat, Kris heard and saw life, and she chose it!

“I’ve now decided to go pro-mother,” Kris said.

Click the link to Give a Heart and Save a Life! https://missionpreborn.givingfuel.com/valentine