pregnancy woman holding an ipad ultrasound machine

Transforming Lives through Handheld Ultrasound Units: A Global Impact 

PreBorn! partnered with PassionLife Ministries, a “pro-life global missions partner to missionaries and indigenous Christian leaders, where the plague of abortion, infanticide, and gendercide is especially concentrated.”  

While abortion is often under-reported, the World Health Organization estimates that 73 million abortions happen each year globally. Thankfully, PassionLife recognizes the lack of global pro-life resources and is making a difference.   

Recenly, PreBorn! supplied PassionLife with six ultrasound machines to place in the hands of doctors out in the global mission field. These machines are handheld and connect to iPads to show abortion-vulnerable mothers their babies without having to make a trip to a Clinic.  

PassionLife Ministries works around the world “rescuing the most vulnerable where abortion is most concentrated.” Their impact has reached countries such as China, Columbia, Cuba, Guatemala, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Romania, and Vietnam.  

How PassionLife Uses Handheld Ultrasound Units 

The handheld ultrasound unit brings the Clinic to the patient. The unit better allows Global Christian doctors to save more babies and souls with this powerful tool in their hand. The handheld ultrasound unit allows missionaries to mobilize to share the life-saving message of the gospel, and provide a life-saving encounter with mothers their preborn children 

Life-Changing Encounters 

PassionLife’s president, Reverend John Ensor, provided an updated on the six ultrasound machines that PreBorn! supplied. PassionLife is using these machines among five countries: Ecuador, Cuba, Columbia, China, and Romania.  


Rev. Ensor placed an iPad and the first handheld ultrasound machine into the hands of an Ecuador doctor in April 2023. PassionLife’s board member, Erica Millar, trained the staff on how to use the machine.  

image of woman with portable ultrasound machine providing ultrasound of pregnant woman

Cuba and Beyond 

Cuba holds the highest abortion rates in the world as 42.19% of all known pregnancies end in abortion. For every 1000 babies born, another 729 were aborted.  

A PassionLife team was sent to Cuba in May 2023 and took with them two of the hand-held ultrasound units with iPads to be used by doctors there.  

woman holding ipad while nurse uses handheld ultrasound machine to provide an anatomy scan of pregnant woman's baby

Rev. Ensor planned a training in Cucata, Columbia where 1,500 pastors and leaders gathered to hear Ensor’s message, along with first-hand experience on pro-life ethics and pregnancy crisis intervention. This meeting was the perfect place to take the fourth handheld ultrasound, to show these frontline workers how technology is furthering their reach to save more babies and souls. 

Future Countries 

The remaining two handheld machines will go to China and Romania. Rev. Ensor is planning a trip to China in August and a trip to Romania in November.  

China is the country with the third highest abortion numbers globally, with 35.84% of all known pregnancies ending in abortion. This means that for every 1,000 babies born, another 558 are aborted.  

Romania is ranked as seventh highest among global abortion rates, with 21.76% of all known pregnancies ending in abortion.  

The Bigger Picture: Why Ultrasound Technology Matters 

Hand-held ultrasound units are revolutionizing healthcare in underserved areas. Here’s why this technology is so important: 

  1. Accessibility: Portable devices make it easier for medical professionals to reach remote communities.  
  1. Affordability: These units are more cost-effective than traditional ultrasound machines. More handheld units can be purchased, and your support can be multiplied to have greater impact.  
  1. Training: Hand-held units can be easily taught to local doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals, empowering them to provide critical care where they are needed most. 
  1. Life-saving: Early diagnosis and treatment can dramatically improve the prognosis for many conditions, including pregnancy complications. 

Perhaps the greatest use of these handheld units is that they enable Christian missionaries to provide medical care to even the most remote patients. This new resource acts as the entry point to share the gospel message and highlight the value of human life.  


PassionLife is committed to equipping the global Church with tools, education, and resources to operate as the hands and feet of Jesus wherever they are. 

PassionLife is celebrating their 10th anniversary. The ministry started as a “seed of prayer” that was watered at a weekly, all-night prayer meeting in Beijing, China in 2010 where many lamented and interceded for the stronghold of abortion in China. PassionLife grew out of that prayer to answer the global cry and need for a pro-life response internationally.  

PreBorn! is honored to partner with PassionLife to reach more babies and souls. Your prayer and support has a global impact reaching even those who are out in the “highways and hedges” (Luke 14:23), ushering them to new life in Christ. 


How You Made a Difference

Whether you’ve volunteered at a pregnancy clinic, helped a friend through a difficult pregnancy, or advocated for life-affirming policies, we want to hear from you. Your story could be the inspiration that someone else needs to get involved and make a difference. To share your story, simply fill out the form. We’ll review your submission and, with your permission, share it on our website and social media channels. Thank you for your commitment to life. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of mothers and their preborn children.

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Because of Your Support

Donors like you faithfully provide ultrasounds and counseling while helping to fund baby clothes, diapers, and formula. More importantly, your love gives a young mother an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out the powerful impact our love makes.  


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