The Authority We Have Through Christ

You’re likely familiar with the abbreviation “LOL”, but what about “POL”? As believers with the authority vested in us by Jesus Himself, we can “Laugh Out Loud” at the storms surrounding us when we “Pray Out Loud.”
When Jesus and the disciples were caught in the storm while out on their boat, Jesus “rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.” (Mark 3:39) The word translated “peace” is siōpaō, and it means “muteness” or “inability to speak.” When Jesus rebuked the storm, He was literally telling the storm to shut its mouth! We have the same power in our mouths, as the dwelling places of Christ’s Spirit, to speak to every storm rising against us and our ministries, and command it to “be still!”. We can speak things that are not as though they were (Rom. 4:17).
Our Almighty God stunningly demonstrated the power of His spoken word when He created the universe by faith. As the Imago Dei, one of the best ways we image our God is when we pray by faith, an out-loud declarative prayer. When we do, all of heaven backs us up. It’s time for us to open our mouths and pray powerful, loud declarations over yourself, your team, your center, and the clients you serve. Make no mistake, this battle is won by praying in the powerful name of Jesus!

We know the battle is firmly in the hands of our God who has never lost a battle, and He’s certainly not going to start now. Let’s stand alongside each other to POL so we can LOL at the enemy’s feeble devices!