Jane’s Story: Choosing Life and Life in Christ 

God’s providence alone is often the reason mothers-to-be stumble into PreBorn! Network Clinics. That was true for Jane (whose name is changed for confidentiality). 

Jane walked into a PreBorn! Network Clinic seeking an abortion. She was confused and fighting her crisis alone. But God had other plans for Jane as she confided in her Patient Advocate, who counseled her before and during the ultrasound process.  

Jane talked about her life and struggles. She was suffering from psychological effects from an abortion she had as a teenager. 

Jane’s story is a glimpse into what so many other women like her may go through after having an abortion, and a testimony of what God can do.   

Psychological Effects 

Women are at an increased risk for mental health problems after having an abortion. The British Journal of Psychiatry published a review that combined samples from 22 studies, pooling 36 measures of mental health effects using 877,181 participants. It found that many women experienced anxiety, depression, alcohol use, marijuana use, suicidal ideation, and symptoms consistent with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) after their abortions. The study found that “When compared with women without an abortion history, 

  • Women with a prior abortion experienced a 61% increased risk of mood disorders. 
  • Abortion was further linked with a 61% increased risk of social phobia, and increased the risk of suicide ideation by 59%.  
  • In the realm of substance misuse, the abortion-related increased risks for alcohol misuse, alcohol dependence, drug misuse, drug dependence and any substance use disorder were 261%, 142%, 313%, 287%, and 280% respectively.” 

Abortion is undeniably a traumatic experience, and many women suffer long after the abortion procedure is over. A 2011 study that followed post-abortion women in Tehran found some common psychological consequences. Among the 278 women polled, many reported experiencing depression, decreased self-esteem, nightmares, guilt, regret, worrying about not being able to conceive again, and abnormal eating behaviors.  

Just like in Jane’s situation, around half of all US women pursuing abortions have had one previously. Jane already suffered from guilt and regret from her first abortion and it paralyzed her when she became pregnant again. She might have thought “How can I be a good mother this pregnancy when I terminated my last?” Fear and shame know how to grip women into repeat abortions even when they know the trauma abortion causes.  

A Grandmother’s Faithfulness 

Jane shared about her grandmother’s faith in Jesus and how her love for him strongly influenced her. Sadly, she recently passed away and Jane was without her sound counsel.  

Jane was open to listening to her client advocate, who offered her comfort from the Mighty Counselor. She shared the gospel with Jane, and Jane received it with conviction. She prayed to receive Christ, professing her faith in Jesus as her Lord and Savior!  

Jane was surely marked by the faithful prayers of her grandma. God does not relent, and He hears our prayers for our unsaved loved ones. While Jane found freedom in Jesus, she still left the first appointment undecided about abortion. 

A Change of Heart 

The PreBorn! Network Clinic scheduled a follow-up visit with Jane, and she indicated she had a change of heart. The Holy Spirit gently convicted her to choose life, and she felt good about her pregnancy. The enemy calls good “evil,” and as a master manipulator, he also repackages evil as good. Thankfully, Jane’s confusion was lifted and a sound mind was given in its place when she put her faith in Jesus.  

Jane chose life for her baby! She walked out of the Clinic smiling at her ultrasound photo. She joined the Clinic’s Parenting Program as well, so she could embrace motherhood.  

We Thank God for You 

You directly impact mothers like Jane! We thank God for you. Because you care, PreBorn! Network Clinics are equipped with what they need in order for mothers to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and choose life for their babies.  

You can gift an ultrasound to a mom like Jane today. 


How You Made a Difference

Whether you’ve volunteered at a pregnancy clinic, helped a friend through a difficult pregnancy, or advocated for life-affirming policies, we want to hear from you. Your story could be the inspiration that someone else needs to get involved and make a difference. To share your story, simply fill out the form. We’ll review your submission and, with your permission, share it on our website and social media channels. Thank you for your commitment to life. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of mothers and their preborn children.

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Because of Your Support

Donors like you faithfully provide ultrasounds and counseling while helping to fund baby clothes, diapers, and formula. More importantly, your love gives a young mother an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out the powerful impact our love makes.  


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