Do You Want to be a Blessing to Moms & Babies on a Large Scale? Vehicle & Boat Donations Can Save Hundreds of Babies & Souls. Your Gift is 100% Tax Deductible & You Will Enjoy a Hassle-Free Experience.


We Will Handle the Scheduling & Logistics so that Your Vehicle or Boat Donations Can be Painless.

Once the donation is scheduled we will send a licensed tow company at no cost to you and the vehicle will be taken to a sale location. The sales location evaluates each vehicle and when it is cost-effective, they make major and/or minor mechanical repairs. Most vehicles are sold via auction houses.

On occasion we may receive a unique or specialty item for which we may use other means to sell the vehicle. Our goal is to ensure that we are good stewards with your donations and that the maximum amount of money for each donation can be received. If you’d like to know more, or have questions, please feel free to contact us.

What’s Next?

Fill out the form below to get started and a member of our team will contact you for more information and the next steps to using your vehicle or boat to help fund this pro-life ministry. Your donation will make a positive impact in the fight to save babies and souls across the country!

Fill Out the Form


Reach Out to Us if You Have
Any Questions!