Worried woman holding pregnancy test

Fighting Against New Abortion Methods 

Since the recent Supreme Court Ruling that overturned Roe vs. Wade, there have been several ways in which the fight for life has been under attack. For example, there has been talk about a California physician planning to open an “abortion boat.” This boat would float in the Gulf of Mexico and operate outside the jurisdiction of any state laws. 

Additionally, Texas A&M University’s chapter of Medical Students for Choice recently hosted a seminar in which they gave listeners ways to “self-manage and self-source abortions” along with a discussion of the “impact of telehealth access for abortion services.” 

As an unexpectedly pregnant mother, Mia explored some “at-home abortion options” after discovering she was pregnant. However, a nurse at a PreBorn! Network Provider gave her more accurate information regarding abortion risks, available resources, and an ultrasound. 

After seeing the image of her 9-week-old preborn baby, Mia expressed that she “wasn’t expecting a baby that size!” Not only was she amazed by the child’s development, she also had the opportunity to hear her baby’s heartbeat. Although she visited a Care Provider in the PreBorn! Network, hoping to receive more information about abortion, Mia left with both a changed mind and heart regarding the life of her child. 

Just like Mia, other women facing unplanned pregnancies deserve to be fully informed. While abortions in their various forms may appear to provide women with options, they leave out the entire picture. The Network Providers of PreBorn! ensure that women are not only aware of all their options, but also of the truth regarding their baby’s life. 

Although many tactics are being devised by abortion supporters to make the practice more widely available, PreBorn! is working to ensure that lives are saved and changed for mothers and their children. 

As always, thank you for giving. Your gifts make it possible for Mia and many others to make informed, helpful, hopeful, and life-changing decisions. 


How You Made a Difference

Whether you’ve volunteered at a pregnancy clinic, helped a friend through a difficult pregnancy, or advocated for life-affirming policies, we want to hear from you. Your story could be the inspiration that someone else needs to get involved and make a difference. To share your story, simply fill out the form. We’ll review your submission and, with your permission, share it on our website and social media channels. Thank you for your commitment to life. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of mothers and their preborn children.

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Because of Your Support

Donors like you faithfully provide ultrasounds and counseling while helping to fund baby clothes, diapers, and formula. More importantly, your love gives a young mother an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out the powerful impact our love makes.  


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