Emma’s Story: A Divine Appointment

Ephesians 6:2 tells us that “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (NKJV).

If it is a promised reality that the body of Christ will face spiritual opposition, it is certainly true for mothers facing unplanned pregnancies. Satan hates family, and babies are no exceptionto his schemes. Emma’s story was riddled with spiritual warfare and demonic attack right from the start.

Divine Appointment

The enemy did not want Emma making it to her appointment with a PreBorn! Network Clinic. Emma was in a car accident on her way to the Clinic. By the grace of God, she walked away without a scratch on her!

Yet, she was over an hour late for her ultrasound appointment. A member of the Clinic staff said, “We know God was protecting Emma during the accident. And, since we still had time to take her appointment, we know he had a divine purpose for her meeting with us that day.”

Emma’s Clinic Visit

Despite being outside of her scheduled appointment time, the Clinic knew meeting with Emma was a priority. She was planning to have an abortion—her main reason being that her husband was deported two months prior. During that time, she had no idea about the life growing inside of her. She was already playing the role of a single mom to a five-year-old. When she found out she was pregnant, she couldn’t imagine how she would also care for a newborn.

Emma’s Client Advocate met with her to discuss her options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. The Client Advocate shared her testimony about the abortion she had that ultimately led her to her role of dissuading other women from making the same regretful choice.

Emma shared that she was a believer, so the Clinic Staff had an open door to pray with her. They encouraged her to lean into God’s word and trust Him. They told her to ask Him for wisdom and guidance. Emma agreed to pray and postponed her abortion appointment until after her follow-up appointment with the PreBorn! Network Clinic.

Follow-Up Ultrasound

Emma had another ultrasound and counseling at her second appointment. The Clinic staff immediately noticed that Emma looked happier. Compared to the anxious state she was in before, Emma looked free. She told the staff she had been praying about her decision, and she chose life for her baby!

“I don’t know how it’s going to work,” Emma said. “But I know God will take care of us.”

Emma needed to be reminded of God’s love and faithfulness. He says that He is our provider. Isaiah 54 even refers to God as our Husband, a promise that Emma will likely cling to without her earthly husband near.


While an ultrasound is a powerful tool that allows mothers to connect with their babies and choose life, sometimes, it doesn’t overwhelmingly sway their decision. The ultrasound is best augmented with a prayerful Clinic that is led by the Holy Spirit.

We are thankful for supporters like you who make it possible for PreBorn! Network Clinics to compassionately counsel women with the love of Jesus Christ. He makes all the difference. Do you want to support a mother like Emma? You can give today!


How You Made a Difference

Whether you’ve volunteered at a pregnancy clinic, helped a friend through a difficult pregnancy, or advocated for life-affirming policies, we want to hear from you. Your story could be the inspiration that someone else needs to get involved and make a difference. To share your story, simply fill out the form. We’ll review your submission and, with your permission, share it on our website and social media channels. Thank you for your commitment to life. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of mothers and their preborn children.

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Because of Your Support

Donors like you faithfully provide ultrasounds and counseling while helping to fund baby clothes, diapers, and formula. More importantly, your love gives a young mother an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out the powerful impact our love makes.  


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