If you really think about it—You had a hand in giving her the strength to pick up the phone.
Several months ago, “Chloe” decided to end the life of her preborn baby. She succumbed to her fears of raising a child alone and fell into the trap of having a chemical abortion.
Sadly, she made her way to a Miami abortion clinic, picked up a bag of abortion pills and went home to put an end to her misery.
After taking the first dosage, Chloe frantically fumbled through the thought of what she had done—and she desperately regretted it.
With nothing but fear and anxiety occupying her mind, she picked up the phone, called a PreBorn! Pregnancy Clinic, and begged for mercy on the life of her preborn baby.
The doctor shared a solution with Chloe that gave her hope. She prescribed Chloe medication to reverse her chemical abortion. She also scheduled an appointment for Chloe to come into a PreBorn! Pregnancy Clinic for a free ultrasound.
You helped provide Chloe the ultrasound that changed everything. She chose life for her baby! Praise God!
In the stillness of the room, Chloe heard the sound of a tiny heartbeat—the precious sound of the life of her baby— the one she had almost lost. But, praise God, her abortion was reversed! God gave Chloe a way of escape and she trusted Him.
You had a direct impact upon giving Chloe peace of mind in her darkest hour.
In all honesty, without your love and support, Chloe would have had nowhere to turn.
You gave her the miracle she needed—the sound of her baby’s heartbeat!
You—undeniably—helped save the life of Chloe’s baby.
This is why your ongoing financial support to PreBorn! is essential—Would you consider giving again to save a baby in a city near you?
Without your financial support, lives would be lost now and for all eternity. Your generous gift will help stop abortions, give life, and help advocates share the love of Jesus Christ.
You are vital to this ministry.
Thank you for your unwavering devotion to PreBorn! and for your compassion for saving babies and souls. You are a valued member of the
PreBorn! family. See Chloe’s baby, that was saved from abortion, below.