The Reality of Abortion in America Today: An Interview with PreBorn! President Dan Steiner

In a recent interview with Steve Gruber of Real America’s Voice, PreBorn!’s President Dan Steiner discussed the current state of abortion in the United States.  

With the ongoing battle over abortion, especially with the fall of Roe v. Wade, the discussion shed light on the state of the issue. 

Chemical Abortions Are on the Rise 

Back in 2017, abortionists anticipated the overthrowing of Roe v. Wade and began implementing ways to virtually connect with women online in order to prescribe chemical abortions just in case they would no longer be able to operate in their respective states.  

Currently, over 54% of all abortions in America today are chemical abortions that are done within 12 weeks of pregnancy and are oftentimes carried out in a woman’s bathroom. 

Abortion Remains Traumatic 

While women who underwent abortions at clinics in the past would experience guilt and shame over their decision, today, they not only feel guilt and shame but also have to dispose of the body of their child themselves.  

Some of the women who show up at a PreBorn! Network Clinic actually have their aborted baby wrapped in a washcloth, asking for help with disposal.  

Abortion remains a practice that inflicts trauma on women. 

Creating a Future for Generations  

PreBorn!’s mission is to save babies and souls. Through PreBorn!’s Network Clinics, women are provided with accurate and complete information before they make a choice regarding their pregnancy.  

It’s our stance that women choose life for their babies and eternal security for themselves through our Saviour Jesus Christ.  

It is possible to create a future where women have access to a safe and healthy pregnancy along with support and assistance from within their community.  


Despite the overturning of Roe v Wade, chemical abortions are on the rise and can truly be traumatic for women. No longer is the abortion clinic where women go and have an abortion… it all now happens in their bathroom.  

It’s PreBorn!’s mission to continue saving as many babies and souls as possible by connecting with these women in need and helping them choose life for their babies and eternal security for themselves.