Lena was afraid and wanted to run. But there was life growing inside of her and she couldn’t shake that thought.

She came to a PreBorn! Pregnancy Center, emotionally broken, and looking for help. She believed in God and knew abortion was wrong but she also had an alcoholic boyfriend. The thought of a baby growing up with a father like that made her bones quiver.

Lena thought long and hard as she saw her baby on ultrasound and heard the heartbeat, but she still couldn’t make a decision.

When her client advocate called a week later, Lena shared good news. Her boyfriend had decided to leave and she had decided to choose life for her baby!

The Lord worked in a powerful way to show Lena truth and we praise God for her decision to carry her baby!


How You Made a Difference

Whether you’ve volunteered at a pregnancy clinic, helped a friend through a difficult pregnancy, or advocated for life-affirming policies, we want to hear from you. Your story could be the inspiration that someone else needs to get involved and make a difference. To share your story, simply fill out the form. We’ll review your submission and, with your permission, share it on our website and social media channels. Thank you for your commitment to life. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of mothers and their preborn children.

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Because of Your Support

Donors like you faithfully provide ultrasounds and counseling while helping to fund baby clothes, diapers, and formula. More importantly, your love gives a young mother an opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. Check out the powerful impact our love makes.  


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