You can help moms choose life
for their babies, just like Rin did.
Rin was a young mother who struggled with balancing two challenges – high school and parenting. When she learned she was pregnant again, she came to a PreBorn! Pregnancy Clinic with her mind made up to have an abortion. 
Rin’s client advocate encouraged her to get an ultrasound. As they talked, Rin shared that she was a Christian. Her client advocate was honest about the struggles Rin would face but reminded her of God’s faithful promises revealed through Scripture. To her client advocate’s dismay, Rin displayed no emotion and said she still wanted to have an abortion. 
Rin left to use the restroom towards the end of her appointment. While she was gone, the nurse and client advocate prayed asking God to touch Rin’s heart, that she would decide to keep her baby. When Rin returned, she told her client advocate that she wanted totalk further with them because she had decided to keep her baby!

Now through the end of February, every dollar you give, goes directly toward providing an ultrasound for a mom who will hearher baby’s heartbeat and have an undeniable visual affirmation of life. For every $28 you give, we will display a heart on a board in our office with your first name on it. Each heart represents an ultrasound given to save a BABY ­­— a visual triumph for LIFE. We will keep you posted on the progress.