Pregnancy Resource Centers

Partner Center Update

God is at work at PreBorn Pregnancy Centers across the United States. A volunteer at one of our partner centers recently attended PreBorn’s evangelism training. She

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Baby Survives Abortion

“When a woman takes the abortion pill, she often immediately regrets it. This patient did exactly that. The abortion providers will lie and tell people that

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Kermit Gosnell

“The crimes of abortionist and serial killer Kermit Gosnell are, by now, well known. But another abortionist is currently under investigation by the FBI: Douglas Karpen,

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Stories of Hope

Sometimes a Dad Needs to See

Sometimes it’s the dad who needs to see… April didn’t want an abortion, but her boyfriend of five years didn’t want her to keep the baby

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Stories of Hope

“Remember Now They Creator”

Sandy walked into one of PreBorn!’s Network Clinics in Jacksonville, Florida with one thing in mind–an abortion. A counselor scooted her into a private room just

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Stories of Hope

Don’t Jump Ship

“Kesha” walked into one of PreBorn!’s Network Clinics in Texas and poured out her heart to the nurse sonographer telling her all about her financial pressures,

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